I actually got a sick feeling in my belly when I opened the PDF. I haven't looked at current WT material for a very long time now.
Let's just say I am glad to be OUT!
Celebrate, good times, come on!
The Oracle
2012 september kingdom ministry.click the link in the blue box by the blue arrow..http://www.sendspace.com/file/lonxue.or.click free and then download file in blue letters after clicking here..http://www.filebox.com/mrtcwj3whmyl.or scans:.pg.1.
I actually got a sick feeling in my belly when I opened the PDF. I haven't looked at current WT material for a very long time now.
Let's just say I am glad to be OUT!
Celebrate, good times, come on!
The Oracle
30 minutes ago i just got off the phone with some important players in this case, and some things were relayed to me concerning a lot of details of the outcome of the last two days of court.
i am passing this on.
cynthia hampton, one of the main players in the candace conti case (and a close friend of 28 years), just informed me of a further, far more powerful move by the state of california against the watch tower bible and tract society of new york, inc.. by order of the superior court of the state of california - county of alameda (see documents below), until the watch tower's appeal, which won't begin until august 13th and will take up to two years to settle due to due process of law, has forbidden the watch tower to sell any more of its $1 billion in assets in the borough of brooklyn until the appeals case is finished, to assure they won't shelter their monies in the light of this most huge and devastating sexual abuse scandal ever to hit the watch tower society, and perhaps any other single-victim lawsuit.
This is an exciting development.
I guess Jehovah is sleeping at the wheel.
It's impossible to spin this in a positive light.
Even the master spin doctors down at WT headquarters are going to strike out with this one.
Now is the time to welcome current JWs back in to the real world with open arms and caring hearts.
Let the exodus begin (...........er I mean continue)
The Oracle
candace conti's attorney has an important message for you:.
anyone with a case against the wbts for child abuse that (1) hasn't gone past the statute of limitations, which is 21 years, (2) that the accused is not the child's parent or (3) anyone who's child has been abused within the last two years and nothing was done, to please contact him asap.
it may take him a little time to get back to you.
Hi headisspinning,
thanks for posting this
I am sure there are hundreds, if not thousands of JW families who will gladly contact this lawyer to get some justice.
I have witnessed first hand how JW policies promote the protection of child molestors, and actually encourage them to set up shop in congregations so they have a good supply of victims on hand. We all knew that the WT policy on child molestors would come back to haunt them. The haunt is well under way.
It's just so sad that all these horrific cases of molestation had to happen in the first place.
The Oracle
hello all at jwn!
i have been a lurker here the last few months and have been going through the process of researching both sides of the story of jehovahs witnesses.
i was raised in the borg, got married and now have a young child.. my wife is very much dedicated to the organization and will justify anything the "slave" does putting it off on the borgs imperfection.
Hi BU2B,
Welcome to the forum.
I can completely relate to your situation.
I went through quite an interesting process after I had my awakening while serving as a very active elder, surrounded by friends and family who were all IN - hook, line and sinker.
It all ended incredibly well for myself, most of my family, and many of my friends. You need patience, and a plan.
PM me anytime and I can discuss my situation in more detail, and also offer some advice if you can fill me in on more details regarding your own situation.
There are many fantastic people who frequent this forum or check in from time to time - so never feel you are alone.... there is lots of help and support for you.
Best of luck to you on your journey out, and your growing awareness of reality.
The Oracle
july 4th 2012 - 201 yards par 3 with my big driver.
i can die happy!.
i got mine!.
congratulations, dreamgolfer!
that must have been quite a thrill!
The Oracle
as i have previously mentioned, i have been df'd for about eleven years.
recent issues have brought me back to meetings for a bit.
of course, the elders desire to talk to me about my options.. .
It's very easy to make new friends if you put forth a little effort.
Good advice from diamondiiz.
The quality of your friends trapped in a mind control cult isn't exactly at a high level. Now if you feel you can extract them - then by all means dive in and do what you need to do.
There is a great story from a woman who went back in to the cult to save her daughter. She was able to get her out! She wrote a great book about it! I forget the name of it, but I am sure you can find it if you google it. You may want to check it out.
The Oracle
yesterday evening gorby attended the local congregation meeting.
his mouth fell wide open hearing the accusion of the catholic church in a magazine presentation demonstration.
the church was blamed for child abuse and the new order was the solution for this problem.. the watchtower society defends itselfs talking about abuse is a act of individual persons and no reason for blaming a whole religion.. everday the rank and file and the local and regional management of the witness blames institutions for every bad thing they can find, but dont want to look in the mirror..
yeah, I wouldn't mind signing up as well to see how this is being spun
if anyone has instructions on how to sign up, please let me know
The Oracle
You would be supporting a group that is responsible for the ruination of millions of lives, and the deaths of tens of thousands of lives.
That, in my books, is wrong.
No matter how much social benefit one may derive from being a part of a closed in society - it is not worth it, knowing that you are aligning yourself with such an evil entity. And I do not use the term evil loosely.
Besides, life outside of the JW movement, is a life full of love, harmony, and joy - no matter what anyone may try and tell you about the evil that exists in the world at large. One can easily carve out their own paradise in a free environment.
Peace to all,
The Oracle
some of the utterly ridiculous comments that i've read on jwtalk.net:.
'i pray fevently jehovah will sanctify his name.
sorry just tuning in here....
what child abuse case is everyone referring to? It's sounds like a great victory over Jehovah.
Time to do some googling!
The Oracle
i wonder how jws will react to this recent evidence that intelligent man existed at least 22,000 years before adam and eve arrived on the scene?.
it looks like membership will continue to decline as far as intelligent jws are concerned.
i'm sure there will be plenty of society's bottom feeders who will continue to find their way on to the jw publisher lists.
I wonder how JWs will react to this recent evidence that intelligent man existed at least 22,000 years before Adam and Eve arrived on the scene?
It looks like membership will continue to decline as far as intelligent JWs are concerned. I'm sure there will be plenty of society's bottom feeders who will continue to find their way on to the JW publisher lists.
CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — An archaeologist says he found the oldest piece of rock art in Australia and one of the oldest in the world: an Aboriginal work created 28,000 years ago in an Outback cave.
The dating of one of the thousands of images in the Northern Territory rock shelter known as Nawarla Gabarnmang will be published in the next edition of the Journal of Archaeological Science.
University of Southern Queensland archaeologist Bryce Barker said Monday that he found the rock in June last year but only recently had it dated at New Zealand's University of Waikato radiocarbon laboratory.
He said the rock art was made with charcoal, so radiocarbon dating could be used to determine its age. Most rock art is made with mineral paint, so its age cannot be accurately measured.
"It's the oldest unequivocally dated rock art in Australia " and among the oldest in the world, Barker said.
The oldest known rock art is in Spain, where hand stencils and red disks made by blowing paint on to the wall in El Castillo cave are at least 40,800 years old, according to scientists using a technique known as uranium-thorium dating.
Australian National University archaeologist Sally May, who is not involved with Barker's research, described his find as "incredibly significant."
"I don't think it will surprise anyone that rock art is that old in Australia because we know people have been here a lot longer than that and there's no reason to believe they weren't producing art," she added.
Barker said he found evidence that the cave where he found the rock art had been occupied for 45,000 years